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Laser Surgery

At Capitol Animal Clinic, we focus on keeping your pet as safe and pain-free as possible. All surgeries are a package price, so there aren’t any surprise fees when you come to pick up your pet. All of our surgeries are performed with a surgical laser, which is great because it cauterizes the incision as it cuts, leading to a cleaner incision that heals faster!

We’ll have you bring your pet in early the morning of the procedure. In order to make sure that your pet is healthy both inside and out, we first start out with a pre-surgical exam. During this, we run pre-anesthetic blood work. If any abnormalities show up during this examination, we will consult with you to discuss options. We give your pet a sedative before the actual surgery begins, but during the surgery, we use a gas anesthetic. This allows us to adjust to what their body is telling us. While they are under anesthesia, we have your we’ll be closely monitoring their vitals. We monitor heart rate, respiration, and temperature, among other things. They also are connected to a machine called a respirator, which keeps them breathing at a regular rate. They are given a pre-surgical pain medication as well as an antibiotic injection. These medications ensure their comfort as they are waking up. We also send your pet home with pain medication, so they’ll be comfortable as they heal from this procedure. For spays/neuters/dental/most small mass removals, your pet will be ready to go home about mid-afternoon the same day! Our technician will give you a call with a report of how the surgery went and let you know when your pet will be ready to go home, as well as any final costs of the procedure. We are open un7 pm 7pm, so don’t worry if you can’t get here by mid-afternoon.

For declaws, we do want to keep your kitty here an extra night to allow them to heal up from the surgery. If your cat is a little older or heftier, the technician will let you know if we want them to stay an additional night. Older cats can still be declawed, but the healing process can take longer.